Whether you're a new Therapist, Healer or Coach or have been in the field for years your GAHP Membership offers:
Dear Therapist, Healer, Coach or Health Practitioner
I'm sure you would agree that Holistic Practitioners are profound healers with tremendous heart and wisdom to transform the lives of their clients—and to literally transform and heal the world.
Unfortunately, this natural healing capacity can't be fully expressed and shared when you are feeling frustrated, overwhelmed or unsupported.
Are you...
Then you are in the right place! You weren't drawn to be a Therapist, Healer, Coach or Health Practitioner to overwork, feel frustrated and limited—you had a Vision of joyfully sharing your gifts—helping many, many clients heal and move from pain and struggle into Joy.
Shelley Riutta MSE, LPC
Six-figure Holistic Psychotherapist
and Founder and President of the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy
Hi, I'm Shelley Riutta M.S.E, LPC and I used to be where you are. I began my holistic therapy career by following the same path most of us were taught, only to end up feeling the same frustration and limitation you likely do now, of not being able to work in the way that I wanted to with clients, not making the kind of money I needed to sustain a modest lifestyle and experiencing the drain and unhappiness of professional burn out.
Intuitively, I knew there had to be a better way! I invested years in learning everything I could about business and marketing, and even more importantly, learning what clients REALLY want. The result? I discovered an alternative approach to helping my clients (I'll share more about this approach with you later) and to running my own business that has created amazing results. I built a thriving, joyful SIX FIGURE (yes that's right— SIX figure) Holistic psychotherapy practice that I absolutely LOVED that helped hundreds of people create joyful lives. I was able to travel, attend conferences and invest in my personal growth and the growth of my therapy business.
And now, I'm ready to share with you the exact steps I used to create this type of freedom for myself and for my clients.
For years I have had therapists, healers and coaches calling me from all over the world saying "I want to develop a practice just like yours—can you teach me how to do it?" The answer was, "Yes!" While I enjoyed helping practitioners one by one, I quickly realized there were many more practitioners who needed my help.
Which is why I launched the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching (GAHP). The GAHP is designed to give you the same support I've given privately to therapists, healers and coaches all over the world.
Unfortunately, most training in psychotherapy and any advanced training in Holistic approaches does not include information on how to build a thriving practice. Because of this most therapists, healers and coaches are limited in their options: either work for someone else, usually for long, exhausting hours and meager pay, or, to risk starting their own practice but without any of the tools needed to be successful.
To make this problem worse, there is no training for Holistic Practitioners regarding their money mindset, leaving them stuck with an old, broken model that unconsciously and sometimes very consciously conveys that therapists should not be focused on making money.
How can you create a thriving practice if you feel like the more you succeed that you are "bad" or greedy for the abundance that is flowing to you? When you are following your Life Purpose it is the divine intention for amazing abundance to flow to you. Unfortunately because of these false beliefs—that making money as a therapist is bad—this natural flow is being blocked.
Over the years in my training as a Holistic Psychotherapist I have seen my colleagues struggle to get their practices off the ground, sometimes having to go back to working for someone else even though what they are offering is SO valuable and crucial in the world right now. Oftentimes I was the ONLY one in my trainings that had a flourishing practice. It made me so sad and even angry that this beautiful healing work was not getting out to the thousands of people that is was meant to help. This is my passion for starting the GAHP — to stop this heart breaking situation once and for all for both the amazingly talented therapists, healers and coaches and more importantly for the world that is HUNGRY and so desiring of this kind of Holistic approach.
This is a recipe for so much of the hopelessness and frustration that is happening for so many therapists, healers and coaches. The lack of support to build a thriving practice, the limiting money mindset about making money. Some therapists are even considering leaving the field because of this—or worse yet—not going to school because of what they perceive as such a difficult path ahead.
The GAHP is different because it is coming from a Holistic Approach that:
Other therapy and coaching organizations and associations unconsciously follow a traditional approach which doesn't truly align with the Holistic Approach. The demand and desire in the world for the Holistic approach in therapy means there are unlimited opportunities for therapists, healers and coaches trained in the Holistic approach and who learn how to run their business following this Holistic approach.
The GAHP is not a Holistic Organization that just talks about the Holistic approach but embodies it in every aspect of the trainings, education, support. The Holistic Approach is at the core of everything we do here at the GAHP.
The GAHP is specifically for you if you are a:
Your passion to be a therapist, healer or coach comes from deep in your Spirit and is motivated by a higher purpose to help others in a profound and lasting way. Join the the GAHP today and get the training, tools, checklists and more that will help you get on track with building the Holistic Practice of your dreams!
Thousands of people across the world are searching for answers to their struggles using an approach that values their Strengths and their inner wholeness. They are fed up with the medical model of therapy that treats them as sick and lacking—needing medication and surface fixes. People want to be acknowledged as the amazing, brilliant Spirits that they are and to be supported to heal at the core level so they can move into their natural Joy once again. Are you one of the pioneers of Holistic Psychotherapy, Healing or Coaching that wants to provide people with this life transforming support? Joining the GAHP will support you to be the Holistic Psychotherapist, Healer or Coach you want to be and develop the kind of Holistic practice that will help hundreds of people transform.
Let's take a look at all of the GAHP benefits that are included with your annual Professional Association Membership. These benefits will help you shorten your learning curve and accelerate your path to developing your own Thriving Holistic Psychotherapy or Holistic Coaching Practice and learn more about these powerful Holistic Methods.
Every month, the GAHP's founder, Shelley Riutta, will deliver in-depth marketing training, designed specifically for Holistic Therapists, Healers and Coaches, to help you accelerate the development and growth of your Holistic Practice. PLUS, when you join the GAHP you get access to ALL of the previous Training Calls!
These monthly calls will help you attract more clients, leverage your time, create the right mindset to have more fun and attract abundance in your practice, create an online presence using the latest Internet trends...and more. Calls are also recorded and posted for download within 24 business hours after the call.
Training calls are typically the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 8 pm Eastern or 1 pm Eastern (this alternates every month)
Can't make the calls live? No problem: all calls are recorded; giving you access to this exciting practice-building information in the format that conveniently fits your lifestyle.
Sample topics include:
Periodically, Shelley will lead a question and answer call, focused on answering your questions on how to develop and build your Holistic Practice. This is your chance to ask questions related about your specific situation.
If you are unable to make the call you can email your question and Shelley will answer it on the call. The call will be recorded and be available for you to listen and download. Here are some of the questions that might come up:
These Question and Answer Sessions can help you continue to move forward to create the Holistic Practice of your dreams!
Your Holistic Practice should be fun and easy to run. To support your success, we will give you a variety of templates, scripts, forms and checklists to help you run your Holistic practice smoothly.
Here is a sample of the forms and checklists included FREE with your annual Association Membership:
What do Therapists, Healers and Coaches love more than anything? Connection! The GAHP is proud to offer online networking opportunities in the Members Only Forum. This is where you can ask questions, master mind, swap ideas and notes, support other members, create life-long friendships and be continually inspired by this beautiful tribe of like-minded Souls...and so much more! You'll love the support you give AND receive in this AMAZING community of like-minded Spirits!
One of the key components of The GAHP is to support your personal growth. The healing we are able to support in others is directly related to our own level of growth. Plus as you clear your limiting beliefs around money you open the doorway for AMAZING abundance to flow to you. The GAHP will be a wonderful resource for you to continue to grow and expand your own Spirit— so you are able to step more fully into the powerful Healer, Coach or Therapist that you came here to be!
To help you get started we're also giving you instant access to the Online Success Library, featuring 7 of our most popular topics you can conveniently download and listen to:
"I want to take a moment to share with all of you how much I love this group! I've been in the coaching world for six years now - and I've been part of many business mastermind groups and professional networks. This BY FAR has been the most delightful experience of them all! The camaraderie and support in this group is exceptional! Thanks to all of you for showing up with your heart and soul - and for respecting and supporting each other in the same way you want to be respected and supported. And big kudos to Shelley for attracting such an amazing group of healers and creative leaders! Trust me, it's not always this way in many other networking and professional groups. This group is unique - and truly magical!"
Tina Games
Clients feel reassured that you are a professional when they see you belong to a respected, Professional Association. Plus, your friends and colleagues take you seriously, often resulting in new opportunities, offers and partnerships. So that you don't miss out on instantly building your credibility, we're providing you with a web-ready logo you can proudly display on your website, in your online newsletter, on your Twitter or Facebook page and more.
Every quarter you will receive a beautiful, full color printed newsletter featuring member profiles, tips, articles, special announcements and more. This is a great way to stay connected to your passion and purpose, get informed about the latest news in the holistic psychotherapy field, boost your skills with best practices tips, be the first to hear about upcoming trainings, events and networking opportunities, plus stay connected to your GAHP "family."
To be successful, every Therapist needs to know how to perform certain key tasks in their business. We'll help you by giving you 3 checklists and templates colorfully printed and mailed to you for easy reference.
Handouts and Checklists included in this special bonus include:
We'll ship you (absolutely FREE) a beautiful 3-ring binder, pre-loaded with handouts and ready for you to add your notes, monthly training call worksheet and action plans and more. You'll feel proud to carry your GAHP binder with you as a source of support and inspiration for you as you journey on your amazing path of lining up with the fullness of your Life Purpose as a Holistic Therapist, Healer or Coach.
If you are a student and join the GAHP you will get to choose between receiving a $50 rebate or $100 additional coupon* towards a future training offered within the next year by the GAHP. All you need to do to get the rebate or coupon is just mail in any form of verification that you are a student (for example—a copy of your student I.D.) and just specify if you would like the rebate or coupon.
*This $100 coupon is good for any training offered at $997 or more
Do you know what you need to get going on marketing your Holistic Business through Social Media Marketing? We offer training and support to get you started on using Social Media that is simple and easy. We are able to take the overwhelm of "What to do first" and chunk it down so you don't sit on the sidelines and miss out on the AMAZING opportunity of using Social Media
As you can imagine, gaining access to high quality business building information like this is typically reserved for high-end coaching programs, at a cost of thousands per year. But, no Therapist, Healer or Coach should be excluded from getting the step-by-step information, training, networking, support and credibility needed to succeed in today's market.
That's why annual association dues in the GAHP are priced to work within even the most modest of budgets. In fact, I'd say just one component of your member benefits— the monthly training calls are worth $2000—which is four times the amount of your entire year's association membership!
How much is this information worth to you? One new client? One new Workshop or teleseminar program filled? Being able to develop a SUCCESSFUL Practice doing what you LOVE? Join the GAHP today and we'll help you take your Vision of a thriving Holistic Practice into a joyful reality!
Think of the GAHP as a monthly mini-workshop, for just pennies per day. You'll never find an opportunity like this anywhere else to learn the secrets behind creating a financially and spiritually successful Holistic Practice for such a low price tag.
Join the ONLY Professional Therapy Holistic Association that empowers YOU by including monthly training, networking, support, forms, checklists, templates, credibility, accountability and more. BIG LEAPS in your life and income require you to DECIDE and TAKE ACTION. Today is the day to do so. Joining the GAHP says you're serious about making BIG changes in your business AND in your INCOME. So act FAST to secure your Association Membership now!
"I'm very happy to be a member, only a few weeks in and I already feel like it beats any other membership I've had! I'm loving the audio recordings I've been listening to, it feels like exactly what I need to hear. I plan on listening to them for repetition value as well."
Jordan Prebys, Texas
As a member of this Professional Association, I receive a full year of benefits and privileges that include:
Plus these valuable BONUSES:
I understand that my Association Membership in the GAHP is for a full year. I understand I can cancel at any time. However, because membership is for a full year, no pro-rated refunds are provided. At the end of my membership year my credit card will be automatically billed for the next year's association dues at the annual rate listed below. If I choose not to renew my membership in this Professional Association I can request to cancel prior to billing and my credit card will not be charged for the next year's association dues.
Pay in Full for just $497
Pay in Two Monthly Payments of $255
Pay in Six Monthly Payments of $87
Please be assured that this online transaction is 100% secure and after your information is received you will get an electronic receipt and instructions within just a few minutes.
Act now to begin your professional association membership today.
Love and Blessings-
Shelley Riutta MSE, LPC
Six-figure Holistic Psychotherapist
and Founder and President of the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy
P.S. What is one new client or one new successful Workshop WORTH to you? Don't miss out on learning how to make BIG changes in your mindset, your income and your practice this year. Join the GAHP now.
© 2025 Global Association for Holistic Psychotherapy (GAHP), 22414 D'Onofrio Drive, Suite 220, Madison, WI 53719
1-877-346-1167 support@thegahp.com (or visit www.thegahp.com)
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